Gastronomy in images


Buffet of Traditional Catalan Cuisine with dishes such as “escalivada” (grilled vegetables), “xató” (catalan salad with cod), our pork feet, pot meat, stews, and our rice. You can also try our delicious desserts such as Catalan Cream or homemade cakes.

Enjoy our traditional recipes with your family and friends.

Available from Tuesday to Sunday and bank holidays.
*Adults from Tuesday to Friday … 17.50€
*Adults on Saturdays, Sundays, bank holidays  … 19,50€
*Children  until 7 years old … 10,50€

NEW :  ”El Tiberi” ALTAFULLA beach 7 days a week.
* adults…19,50€ *


At “El Tiberi” you can prepare salads with your favorite ingredients. In our Salad Corner you will find a wide variety of fresh ingredients with which you can create your favorite salad.

Available on lunch time from Tuesday to Friday.
*price:  15,00€

To compose a single dish from our salad buffef ( no option to repeat )

*Extra charge of 10,50€ if you add a main course or a dessert that we serve at the table


We adapt to your needs and new ways of understanding and enjoying cooking. We believe that tradition should not be at odds with new trends, they can complement each other perfectly.

For this reason, at “El Tiberi” ALTAFULLA  we have created the Tapas Nights: a new proposal that does not forget our backgrounds with which you can enjoy our best recipes in a tapas way. 



Via augusta, 50
 43893 Altafulla


See our wine list with Origin Denomination (D.O.) Wines and Cavas.

At “El Tiberi” we are committed to local products, that’s why we offer mainly wines with D.O. Conca de Barberà, Montsant, Terra Alta, Costers del Segre, Priorat, Penedès and D.O. Cava.

A careful selection of wines and cavas that match perfectly with our dishes and desserts of Traditional Catalan Cuisine.

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